Are you shitting me? Let me get this straight. So Tiger Woods, leaving his house at 2:30am, backs out of his driveway and hits a fire hydrant AND a tree? I call BULLSHIT!!! On top of that, they say alcohol was not involved?!?! DOUBLE BULLSHIT!!!! That dude was wasted! This is the biggest cover-up since JFK.
Let me propose what really happened. El Tigre and his lady love get into it on Thanksgiving evening. El Tigre goes out, has a few too many and bangs up his Escalade pulling into his driveway. I wonder how Buick feels about him driving a Cadillac to begin with. He's lucky that when Elin pulled out the ol' nine iron to break him free from the wreckage that she didn't give him a few across the head with it.
This is the biggest cover-up since Roswell. If only to have Tiger's resources. You or I would be in the police blotter faster than Superman could circle the globe. But not El Tigre. He'll buy himself out of this like OJ bought himself of a double murder conviction. I'm guessing a few cosmopolitans were involved. I can't imagine Tiger drinking whiskey like a real man. John Daly is probably laughing his balls off right now.
This event gives a whole new meaning to "Tigerslam."
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